Radio Universitaria will broadcast the last episode of the program about the musician Sixto Cortés

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The cycle of programs is financed by the Social Media Promotion Fund of the Government of Chile and the Regional Council.

This Sunday, October 28, at noon, Radio Universitaria FM will broadcast the fourth and final chapter of the program: “Sixto Cortés Alcayaga, a figure of folklore in our University and the Coquimbo Region”, a cycle that highlights the legacy of the person who was director of the Folkloric Ensemble of the University of La Serena and founder of the Tuna San Bartolomé.

This cycle of programs is part of a project financed by the Social Media Promotion Fund of the Government of Chile and the Regional Council, and is led by the teacher and musician, Raúl “Talo” Pinto.

“Sixto Cortés Alcayaga, a figure of folklore” is broadcast on 94.5 FM in La Serena and Coquimbo, and its online signal:

Project financed by the Social Media Promotion Fund of the Government of Chile and the Regional Council.