ULS trains more than 1.600 Integra Foundation workers in the Coquimbo and Atacama regions

otec uls integrative training

The activity, part of the “Aprendes” program, was carried out simultaneously in 29 locations in both regions.

As part of the institutional strategy of contributing to regional development through training for alumni and the workforce of the area and the country, the University of La Serena trained more than 1.600 people, corresponding to the entire Integra Foundation staff. in the regions of Coquimbo and Atacama, thereby strengthening working alliances with the Training Office at the regional and national level.

otec uls 2 integrative trainingSince 2015, this house of higher education, through its Technical Training Organization, has been in charge of training all work teams in the Coquimbo Region, an activity that has been carried out successfully to the present. year, where the Atacama Region joins, with training for its 587 officials in 8 regional headquarters.

These sessions respond to an initiative of the “Aprendes” program, which is a continuous training plan to achieve a strengthening of the personal and professional development of workers.

Regarding organizing these courses in both regions, the person in charge of the Office, Pablo Sánchez, commented that “it is a great achievement that positions our house of studies; “It was a great challenge to be present in two regions and all their communes simultaneously.”

Written by Jenifer Araya, Directorate of Liaison with the Environment and Extension