Official Communiqué Rectory No. 5 on situation and measures

headquarter 1 


La Serena, November 01, 2019.

Dear ULS Community:

Two weeks have passed since the social outbreak in the country due to demands for fairer and more inclusive living conditions for everyone. A cry from Chilean society for social justice that has not been silenced either by repression or by the political responses formulated until today.

We have witnessed massive and peaceful demonstrations for a better Chile; citizen outcry that has shown that the vast majority want a structural change to the model that led us to form a fragmented and divided society.

As an academic and Rector, I have remained attentive to the course of events by listening to the different voices and interests of the ULS community. Students, non-academic officials and academics have discussed and declared positions regarding the movement and the actions of the political authorities, with a common denominator being the repudiation of violence in any of its forms, most especially, that which affects the violation of fundamental rights of citizens and, by the way, of the members of our university community, as happened with some of our students.

Institutionally, as I indicated in previous communications, I have arranged the operation of a professional complaints support team of members of the ULS community who have been victims of violations of their fundamental rights. This team – formed from the first situations of excessive violence, is made up of the Legal Advisor, the Chief Social Assistant and the Director of the Law Course, together with directors and coordinators – continues alert and ready to attend to any new situation.

The ULS community has also expressed its concern about the return to university work, demanding security conditions for people and spaces, goods and infrastructure. This has led to students (Student Federation) and non-academic officials (Association of AF Officials) will communicate their status as stoppage of activities; while the academics (Association of AF Academics) resolved to declare themselves in mobilization status to carry out discussions and construction of proposals.

In this context, and observing the course of events in our country and the Coquimbo Region, it will be convened for this Monday, November 04, a extraordinary session of the Academic Council so that, within itself and in coordination with the Triestamental Internal Commission, it resolves the courses of action for the immediate future, listening to and respecting the feeling of the university community about staying in a state of reflection, adhesion to the movement and a proactive attitude, in conditions of prevention and protection of the integrity of people, which should mean that in no case, in the immediate future, will there be a return to normality of classes or academic and administrative tasks. In this way, the session of the Academic Council should shed light on the framework of action in which as a community we can, in a cohesive and active manner, participate in the search for country solutions, either in terms of reflection activities, conversations and/or or town councils, formulation of proposals and security measures for the community, facilities and infrastructure, among others.

In this way, the suspension of activities is extended until Monday, November 04 inclusive, awaiting for what resolves the Academic Council starting Tuesday the 5th of the present.


Dr. Nibaldo Aviles Pizarro