
Each specific objective has an associated strategy to follow, a relevant step in the formulation of the PMI, since it allows institutional improvement to be achieved.

Strategies associated with objective 1

  • Strengthening the processes installed for the curricular redesign of Pedagogies
  • Redesign of the practice component of teacher training programs
  • Integration of disciplinary and pedagogical training in the training process of Pedagogies
  • Development of a quality assurance model for initial teacher training, based on diagnostic, intermediate and final evaluations regulated by a plan designed for this purpose.

Strategies associated with objective 2

  • Design of a collaborative work program with the regional educational system, to incorporate talented students from the school system into pedagogical careers, ensuring their retention.
  • Optimization of existing institutional strategies and devices, of the Basic Competencies Leveling Program, for the comprehensive diagnosis and leveling of competencies of future teachers.
  • Optimization of methodological and evaluative procedures, development and deepening of basic competencies to improve the levels of learning and retention of pedagogy students, based on the support of institutions in Chile and abroad that have successful experiences in regard.

Strategies associated with objective 3

  • Implementation of a focused hiring plan (4 doctors) according to two modalities: i) incorporation of new capabilities, not available in the Institution, ii) improvement of the contractual relationship of part-time academics, pre-existing in the Institution, currently in doctoral programs.
  • Creation and maintenance of a permanent teacher training and updating program, in the field of pedagogies, that responds to integration criteria between didactic and disciplinary aspects, from which criteria and indicators are derived that allow progress in the improvement of the evaluation system of the existing academic performance, considering the requirement of the innovated curricular proposal.
  • Design and implementation of institutional collaboration strategies with national and international higher education institutions, which have effective programs in the training of teachers, forming networks to share experiences and research related to continuous improvement, strengthening of the profession and articulation with the work context.
  • Incentive for applied pedagogical research, carried out in conjunction with actors in the school system and with teachers in training, as a relevant instance of the professional development of the academic body.

Strategies associated with objective 4

  • Review and adaptation of existing regulatory frameworks that affect the achievement of timely qualifications.
  • Management of student progression ensuring the improvement of skills for teaching, in coherence with the teaching career policies promoted by the MINEDUC.

Focusing and strengthening the institutional system for graduate monitoring, so that it is permanent, periodic, diachronically comparable and responds efficiently to the specificity and requirements of job placement and professional development of graduates of the ULS pedagogical careers.