Café Poético will inaugurate its cycle on the occasion of the birth of Gabriela Mistral

poetic coffee

The Extension Directorate and the Mistraliano Center of the University of La Serena announce the start of the new cycle of its traditional Poetic Café that will inaugurate the 2014 programming this Thursday, April 24, at 19:00 p.m., at the Extension Center . On this occasion, it will be held in tribute to the birth of Gabriela Mistral, so the theme will be contextualized in her literary work.

The activity will be directed, as usual, by Dr. Rolando Manzano Concha, director of the Mistralian Center of the house of higher studies, who leads this meeting space for all literature lovers who wish to participate in pleasant creative meetings. and poetic inspiration around a warm coffee.

For more information on this free entry activity, call 2204171, email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at the Extension Center of the University of La Serena, located at Prat 446, La Serena.