#DownloadableBooks: the new ULS campaign that gives free access to books from the University Publishing House

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This initiative seeks to bring reading lovers, and those not so much, closer to books from the Universidad de La Serena Publishing House, sharing knowledge with the community.

Faced with the health crisis caused by COVID-19 in our country, many have had to stay at home, either due to mandatory or preventive confinement, teleworking and telestudying. That is why the ULS, in its desire to provide knowledge on different topics, has carried out communication campaigns that bring useful and relevant knowledge to people's lives.

uls 1 books campaignThe new campaign comes from the University Publishing House, which released various books for free.

“We are doing this campaign as a small literary contribution that helps enrich 'the mental landscape' in our communities, in the midst of this pandemic and confinement that has affected our senses, spirits and thoughts. Reading stories allows us to make an entertaining parenthesis in our usual tasks, taking us to imaginary worlds, listening to the words of another, which relieve and oxygenate our mental state," said the manager of the ULS Editorial, Alejandro Abufón.

Likewise, he also emphasized that “with quiet reading, without noise, a very beneficial effect is produced: levels of brain stimulation and, with it, anxiety levels are lowered. Pausing and reading for a while turns out to be very therapeutic these days.”

The campaign begins this Tuesday, July 13 and consists of 8 deliveries, through official social networks of the University of La Serena, and via email to its community @userena.cl. A new book will be released every Tuesday and Thursday, for 4 weeks.

In addition, the downloadable books will be accessible on the ULS Publishing website and also on userena.cl/coronavirusvirtual space where the University has compiled the community information actions deployed in this pandemic period.

Written by Patricia Castro, DirCom