ULS Mining Circus will participate in National Heritage Day


The group will hold free presentations for the entire public.

This weekend the Mining Circus of the University of La Serena will carry out various activities to celebrate National Heritage Day, confirming its commitment to entertain adults and children in their presentations.

circus2The performances are scheduled for this Saturday, May 25 (1st performance: 17:00 p.m. and 2nd performance: 20:00 p.m.) and Sunday, the 26th of this month (only performance: 18:00 p.m.).

All performances are free and will take place at the Mining Circus Workshop, located on the Isabel Bongard Campus (Benavente esq. Amunátegui).

Presentation at the Archaeological Museum of La Serena

Continuing with its presentations, on Sunday the 26th the Circus will perform at the Archaeological Museum of La Serena, with a show for the entire public.

Starting at 11 in the morning, he will hold an initiation juggling workshop for boys and girls, which consists of a basic juggling workshop with balls, hula-hooping and swing with flags, which will allow participants to play, learn and learn basic elements of dance with juggling. 

To finish, the artistic group will perform a “Circus Show Opening”, which consists of a brief intervention with club juggling, hula hoops, flags and clowns.

This year the Mining Circus celebrates 68 years of university tradition in the Coquimbo Region, sharing circus culture with the entire public.

Written by Carlos Carvajal, DGAE