“Los Papayitos” Garden celebrates Children's Day


With joy, enthusiasm and the participation of the children and their families, the “Early Education Week” was developed.

For a week, where the stars were the boys, girls and the nursery educators of the “Los Papayitos” Nursery Garden and Nursery, different artistic, sports and recreational activities were carried out within the framework of Early Childhood Education Day in Chile.

Valentina Navarrete, student and guardian of the Garden, commented that "as a Parent Center we are always supporting the activities that the aunts need us for, and this week has been one of the weeks with the most participation from parents, which helps us to be with our children in their activities.”

papayitos2The activities began on Monday with a day of cooking, science and musical workshops, where they were accompanied by students from the Pedagogy in Musical Education degree.

On Tuesday, a family art activity continued where a work had to be created with reusable materials.

On Wednesday, under the motto of healthy living, sports activities were organized in conjunction with the Department of Physical Education and Sports and volunteer instructors.

The week ended with a party where recreational games and performances were held where parents and their children participated.

"It was a week with many activities, which are planned well in advance to ensure that the boys and girls had a different week and where their parents also participated. We know that due to the academic load that the students of our University have, there is little time that can share these activities, for that reason we wanted them to be used to the maximum," said the Director of the Garden, Valeria Milla.

Source: DGAE Diffusion