Conjunto Folklorico and Tuna San Bartolomé end the year with successful galas

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The person in charge of the groups, Mauricio Cortés, positively evaluated both presentations.

Emotional galas were experienced these last weekends, both the Folkloric Ensemble and the Tuna San Bartolomé of the U. de La Serena, which offered these events to the community, but accompanied by the deep emotion due to the absence of Professor Sixto Cortés, initiator of both musical groups and who died earlier this year.

folkloric gala3In this regard, Mauricio Cortés, son of the deceased folklorist and today in charge of both the Folkloric Ensemble and the Tuna San Bartolomé, expressed his excitement at the success of both activities. “Very intense, in every sense, because this has become something more personal, a family heritage thing, a passion, more than a job,” he said.

In addition, he expressed his satisfaction "for achieving two events, one in the Plaza (de Armas of La Serena) and another in the Aula Magna of our University."

Regarding the summer season and the projection of both groups, Cortés maintained that, “we continue with activities in the summer, therefore we will continue to highlight the name of the University, the groups that I direct and the name of my father who was the one who started All this".

Finally, Cortés pointed out that for 2016 they hope to “do a regional and national tour and for the first time have an event outside of Chile with the Folkloric Ensemble, also with Tuna, which we have already been to outside the country on 5 occasions, we want project the groups even more and not remain locked in the University, take advantage of the squares and all public spaces.”

Source: DGAE Press