Providing new skills within science teaching is the objective of the new USerena master's degree


The Master in Research in Science Education, whose registration is now open, is aimed primarily at teachers in the area and seeks to provide tools to integrate current research with solid disciplinary approaches in the teaching-learning process.

Developing skills that promote quality and relevant science education, and integrating current research and disciplinary approaches that foster critical thinking in students, are the objectives of the new Master's Degree in Research in Science Education at the University of La Serena.

The program, which is aimed at science teachers and professionals from other areas who are dedicated to teaching and research, opened applications and plans to start classes for the month of April.

This master's degree consists of six compulsory subjects, three transversal skills courses and two electives. In addition, students will participate in a semiannual workshop given by a national visiting professor and seminars by faculty members offered within the framework of their research projects.

The Director of the program, Mg. Luis Tamblay highlights that this “seeks to strengthen the research capabilities of students, fundamentally providing certain competencies so that they can reflect on their teaching work and work on proposals reinforced with experimental aspects. Although the master's degree is aimed at teachers of science, chemistry, physics and biology, professionals who are working in the area of ​​engineering, health, etc. and who want to improve their teaching can also participate.

Tamblay added that “the invitation is to all professionals who seek to reflect on the changes that have occurred in terms of teaching, the work they are doing, and what they can do better, who want to advance in their teaching and who seek to look at it from another way other than for them to enroll in this master's degree.”

For those who are interested in being part of this new master's degree or who wish to learn more about the framework, the line of research and the study plan, you can enter here