Techniques for making public presentations are presented in a workshop for students of the Comprehensive Support Plan

Social-emotional skills

The main purpose of these instances is to enhance the socio-emotional and study technical skills of the members of the Comprehensive Support Plan, within the framework of Inclusion and Universal Accessibility.

Feeling nervous or anxious is one of the common characteristic emotions that people feel when presenting in front of an audience. This is frequently associated with the fear of failing or giving a bad presentation.

In this context, the professionals of the Comprehensive Support Plan, Alejandra Galleguillos and Rosana Toro, made known different suggestions for presenting in public and how to self-regulate the emotions associated with this scenario.

“Master the topic with your own words, be careful with the powerpoint, choose the right place to present, be confident, look at people while you present” were some recommendations given by the differential educator, Alejandra Galleguillos. To this she added the importance of reviewing the topic and taking into consideration the time it takes to present, so you can rehearse in front of a mirror or record yourself to hear the tone of voice.

In this regard, using the rooms on the Zoom platform, the students carried out practical work, in which they were divided into groups of two people to discuss their own characteristics that distinguish them. After that, each student introduced his/her partner, considering the aspects suggested above.

Then, psychologist Rosana Toro guided them on techniques to regulate their emotions when making a presentation. Among them, she first mentioned recognizing the emotion and physical symptoms associated with it; He also recommended smiling when speaking, being punctual on the day of the presentation, anticipating the worst situation that could occur in the presentation, using elements that unfocus the mind from nervousness (a glass of water, an amulet or a piece of clothing), and giving self-instructions to maintain peace of mind.

“We must keep in mind that what is important is the development of the exposure itself, not so much the beginning, and this has to do with the anxiety curve. Generally, at the beginning one is very nervous, but as the exhibition progresses, the person relaxes. It is natural to get nervous when you are going to present in front of other people and it is important to follow these suggestions to self-regulate the emotions that can intervene in our presentation.n”, expressed the professional.

The practical work will continue to be carried out in the next workshops, with the purpose of generating an instance of closeness and bond between the students who make up the Comprehensive Support Plan.

Written by Daniela Ledezma, Comprehensive Support Plan