DIDOC reports general guidelines for 2020 cohort students


Dear students cohort 2020, we extend a cordial welcome to the University of La Serena!

In the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the University will begin in remote mode, the execution of processes planned for this academic semester.

First, starting the week of March 23, 2020, the Schools will send, via institutional email, the necessary information associated with the 2020 Induction Process: General Directorate of Student Affairs (DGAE), Teaching Directorate (DIDOC) , Information and Computing Center (CICULS) and Library System (SIBULS). Likewise, each School will inform you of relevant aspects to be known to you.

Second, during the first week of April, the Institution will begin, on the Moodle ULS platform, the work associated with the Leveling of Basic Competencies. That is, strengthening skills that contribute to permanence in higher education in the areas of: Mathematics, Language with a focus on comprehensive reading and Autonomous Learning.

Third, we will keep you informed regarding the start of teaching-learning activities for the first week of May 2020.


Teaching Directorate

Academic Vice-Chancellorship

University of La Serena