Scientists from the Coquimbo Region meet in the first dialogue on equity and gender

science dialogue

The meeting was attended by scientists from the University of La Serena, Universidad Católica del Norte, CEAZA and the Seremi of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the Central Macrozone.

Within the framework of the launch of the first guidelines of the Equity and Gender policy of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, and following the First Conversation on Equity and Gender in Research that was held last December -organized by the Faculty of Sciences with the support of the ULS Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies, with the participation of the Seremi of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of the Central Macrozone, a first dialogue was held between scientists that brought together women linked to research from the ULS, UCN and CEAZA in the Faculty of Sciences of the state university.

This activity organized by the Seremi of Science, Dr. María José Escobar, with the support of the Scientific Communication Nucleus of the ULS Faculty of Sciences, had the objective of producing a first approach, providing information, generating a dialogue and gathering information about the experience of a group of scientists in this field.

This type of meetings will continue to be held from now on at different scales and one of the objectives is to strengthen the network of contacts between scientists in the Coquimbo Region.

Source: Faculty of Sciences