Academic presents in seminar on innovative technologies and methodologies applied to design teaching


During the meeting, the Director of the School of Design of the U. de La Serena, Mg. Carla Pía López, presented the research: “Reflective practice as a tool for change in university teaching.”

The Director of the School of Design of the ULS Faculty of Humanities, Mg. Carla Pía López, participated as a research speaker in the 3rd Seminar “Innovative Technologies and Methodologies Applied to Design Teaching, which was held at the Metropolitan Technological University, in Santiago.design3

During the meeting, the academic presented the research: "Reflective practice as a tool for change in university teaching."

“This confirms that designers are concerned about quality teaching, about improving our teaching practice and about meeting certain criteria within what design is and how it is taught,” said the Director of the ULS School of Design regarding this instance intended to strengthen training methodologies through particular experiences.

Representatives of the higher education institutions that make up the Network of Design Schools of the universities affiliated to CRUCH participated in the Seminar organized by the UTEM School of Design.

Written by Gonzalo Lozano, DirCom