Rector Avilés participates as a panelist in the Inclusive Occupational Risk Management Seminar

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The authority was part of the conversation on inclusion and diversity, an instance where she recounted the progress that the University of La Serena has achieved from an organized work in these matters. On the occasion, he highlighted the contributions of the Disability Support Program and the Health and Safety Joint Committee.

Within the framework of inclusion initiatives, the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, participated in the "Inclusive Occupational Risk Management Seminar", an initiative organized by the Mutual de Seguridad of the Chilean Chamber of Construction. On the occasion, the authority was invited to present on the initiatives developed in the ULS to advance the inclusion of students with disabilities and the preparation of academics in this matter.

rector conversation2Along these lines, Rector Avilés highlighted the work carried out by the Disability Support Program and by the Joint Hygiene and Safety Committee, bodies that have been working together since 2018.

Given this, he highlighted the initiatives that have been carried out since 2007 and that are oriented towards cultural transformation in terms of inclusion and diversity, aiming at collaborative work between all levels of the campus. For this reason, he stressed the important role that the student body has sustained in raising important issues and problems that have allowed, through days of deep work, the improvement of protocols, procedures, equipment and infrastructure for a real and better performance in inclusion matter.

In this way, it relieved the protocol for the use of the social name, for transgender students, where the University of La Serena is a pioneer in this matter at the national level. Similarly, he reported on the formalization since 2018 of the Protocol for the Prevention of Harassment, Abuse and Arbitrary Discrimination.

“As an institution of the State of Chile we have important challenges, we want to address the barriers or attitudinal biases, such as the value clash between generations, to start generating a more equitable and inclusive society for all from our role. Our mission goes beyond training professionals, it also aims to ensure that our graduates have values ​​that make them capable of putting themselves in the place of others, to eliminate the barriers that hinder the development of our country”, explained Rector Avilés.rector conversation3

The discussion was attended by the Regional Director of SENADIS, Jorge Juárez, the representative of the National Board of the Mutual de Seguridad of the Chilean Chamber of Construction, Raimundo Rencoret, and the head of Risk Prevention of Constructora Rencoret, Pablo Silva.

The greetings of welcome to the meeting were in charge of the general manager of the Mutual de Seguridad Chilean Chamber of Construction, Felipe Bunster, the president of the Chilean Chamber of Construction (Regional), Eduardo Soto and the Seremi of Labor and Social Welfare, Matias Villalobos.

Part of the contents of the Seminar consisted of publicizing the state of progress of the labor inclusion regulations, the aspects to develop an inclusive culture and diversity and good practices of labor inclusion, among others. The instance made it possible to generate a reflective and exemplary dialogue through the different strategies and guidelines that have been adopted in the various participating organizations, which allows a synergistic work in favor of applied and real strategies that allow the transformation of culture and society into a much more tolerant, responsible and inclusive.