Latest registrations for the Second International Congress on Energy, Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability

energy congress

On July 28, the registration process ends for the event that will take place between October 16 and 18.

The search for answers to the current challenges in the application of semiconductor materials, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, promoting multidisciplinary interaction, is the main theme that will be addressed by the International Congress on Energy, Efficiency and Environmental Sustainability (CEES) organized by the University of La Serena and the REDES 180038 Project.

The speakers at this second version will be Dr. Gianluca Li Puma, from Loughborough University (United Kingdom), an expert in Chemical Engineering; Dr. Mohamed El – Roz, from the University of Caen (France), researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research; and Dr. María Barnechea, from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), an expert in Nanomaterials for clean energy, (photo) catalysis and bio image, who will develop presentations focused on environmental sustainability.

This is the second version of this event, after the one held in 2017, an opportunity where the topics related to materials and processes for energy and environmental decontamination, energy efficiency and renewable energy were deepened.

The event, aimed at researchers, academics and post and undergraduate students, will be held on October 16, 17 and 18, 2019 at the Hotel Club La Serena, and registration will be open until July 28 at

energy3 congress

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom