University of La Serena was part of the Run for Health

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During the activity, the ULS Kinesiology race had a free kinesiology care stand for those who participated in the run.

kine3 cumshotWith the participation of nearly 200 people, the 2K Health Run was held in commemoration of Kinesiology Week, where the ULS was present with a stand for promotion, prevention and education in health and sports, run by of the Kinesiology degree at the University.

In the activity that took place in Coquimbo, the students of the race provided kinesiological care to the participants of the bullfight, which allowed them to enhance their professional skills.

The activity, organized by the College of Kinesiologists in conjunction with the Coquimbo Athletics Club, had a stage for the physical preparation of the runners, as well as awards to the first places and to the children who participated in the activity accompanying their families.

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Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom