U. de La Serena and the Encuentro de Nuestra América Community invite you to participate in the 5th ENA


ENA is proposed as a meeting to build, together, other possible educational alternatives for Our America.

On May 9 and 10, the 5th Meeting of Our America will be held at the Isabel Bongard Campus of the University of La Serena. An unprecedented event that brings together organizations, groups and people who carry out emancipatory, alternative and liberating education throughout Latin America.

ENA is proposed as a meeting to build, together, other possible educational alternatives for Our America. To this end, representatives from 12 countries will come to La Serena, bringing with them revolutionary educational experiences for children, young people and adults.

Many of these experiences have high international prestige in educational matters. Thus, for 2 days, these people will meet to work together with Chilean students and educators in the construction of projects to transform education for Latin America.

“The entire ENA international community and the local organizing team hope that students and teachers from the University of La Serena will join in and actively participate in this meeting,” the organization of the meeting indicated.

Participation requires prior registration at: http://www.encuentrodenuestraamerica.org/encuentros/chile-2019/.

The Meeting of Our America is open and free and locally has the support of the Illustrious Municipality of La Serena.