Active participation of students in celebration of Earth Hour

uls planet hour participation

This activity is considered the largest voluntary action against climate change globally.

Students of Civil Environmental Engineering of the University of La Serena, grouped in the Confederation of Higher Education Environmental Sciences Students (CECADES), actively participated in the celebration of Earth Hour in the regional capital, an instance to which the ULS joined and which invites people to turn off non-essential lights and electrical devices to raise awareness and promote responsible practices regarding energy consumption and use of natural resources.

participation planet hour uls 2This activity, considered the largest voluntary action against climate change globally, was carried out in the Plaza de Armas of La Serena, a place that brought together a large number of people for the traditional candlelight vigil that took place. takes place during the 60 minutes of Earth Hour (from 20:30 p.m. to 21:30 p.m.).

The president of the Student Center of the program, Enrique González, explained that the ULS students had an important participation in this day, where they were in charge of a stand referring to the circular economy and a comprehensive waste management model. “As students we like that the career is known within the community and that it is known that we do positive things,” he said.

Some of the institutions participating in the activity were Seremi del Medio Ambiente, Seremi de Energía, CECADES of the University of La Serena and Universidad Católica del Norte, CEAZA, CONAF, Tololo, the municipalities of La Serena and Coquimbo, the Regional Library Gabriela Mistral, among others.

Written by Gonzalo Lozano, Communications Department