They provide recommendations to observe the 2019 Solar Eclipse

eclipse uls recommendations

Researcher Guillermo Damke shared details to be able to responsibly and safely enjoy the great event that will take place on July 2.

A series of recommendations to observe the total solar eclipse 2019 in our Coquimbo Region, the astronomer and researcher of the University of La Serena, Dr. Guillermo Damke.

During a talk offered in the context of the 38th institutional anniversary and attended by authorities and directors, as well as schoolchildren from the Gerónimo Rendic School and students from different levels of the Bachelor's degree in Astronomy, the researcher shared some details of security and relevance for see this astronomical event, rated as the most important in the world in 2019.

“Looking at an eclipse directly at the sun can cause permanent blindness, due to the functioning of the eyes. For the same reason, certain recommendations must be taken into account and, in this case, use special lenses to be able to see the luminosity of an eclipse. We as experts must make these recommendations and tell the audience that they should take care of themselves,” said the professional, who emphasized not using sunglasses or binoculars to observe this phenomenon that has caused great interest locally and internationally.

Another point that the astronomer addressed is that, in his perception, choosing a specific place to see the eclipse is important, because although it can be seen from different places, the perception time is very short. For him, “the Almirante Latorre sector is a good place (…) you just have to think about the pros and cons of that sector,” adding that the total phase will take place at 16:38 p.m.

To find out more about the event you can go to