U. de La Serena confers the degree Doctor Honoris Causa to Renán Fuentealba Moena


The former mayor of the Coquimbo Region received the honorary degree from the Rector of the state campus, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who highlighted his outstanding participation as a public man and permanent concern for people's dignity and quality of life.

In a solemn and emotional ceremony marked by memories and expressions of appreciation, the University of La Serena conferred the honorary degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from this house of studies to the former mayor of the Coquimbo Region, Renán Fuentealba Moena, in recognition of his trajectory and its social contribution to the region and the country.

honorary cause 2The Doctor Honoris Causa ULS distinction is conferred on people of Chilean or foreign nationality, by virtue of their merits, for their contribution to the creation or expansion of knowledge in the domains of arts, letters and sciences, as well as to those who have contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of humanity, to the exaltation of the great values ​​of the spirit and of culture and to the common desire to improve the coexistence and dignity of people. That is why in 2017, the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of the institution presented to the Academic Council and later to the Board of Directors the proposal to distinguish the lawyer and politician with this important degree.

Renán Fuentealba received the honorary degree from the Rector of the state campus, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who highlighted that the University of La Serena, "a pluralistic, autonomous and secular institution that promotes the training of professionals and leaders who are capable of contributing to the regional and national development, decided this distinction and in consideration of his high capacity for public service, concern for the quality of life of people and for his high merits, which has earned him regional and national recognition for his important contributions to the Region of Coquimbo, to education and to the country”.

honorary cause 3The highest university authority also stressed that this distinction is granted for his "outstanding participation as a public man, who from his high professional responsibilities throughout his life has made valuable contributions to both the development of the Coquimbo Region and the country, and that due to its high merits in the enhancement of the values ​​of the spirit and human coexistence, it has achieved national and regional recognition”.

"I accept and deeply appreciate this distinction, and I appreciate all that this honor means," said Renán Fuentealba after receiving this recognition from the house of higher education. He also highlighted the fact that this distinction is granted not only to academics, "because it speaks of respect for people and the pluralistic spirit that the University of La Serena displays, concentrating on their merits and competencies in different areas of knowledge, social coexistence and culture”.

honorary cause 4The honoree added that of his 102 years, “85 of them were dedicated entirely to the service of the community, be it public, private or of any order (…). I still hope to continue serving the Coquimbo Region, whose future interests me as if it were my property. I love and love this region and its people (...). It is a great satisfaction to know that we have universities like this here, the University of La Serena, which is the oldest and the only state one, and which has made great contributions to the progress of the town and especially to the poorest”.

Relatives, friends, regional and community authorities, deputies, representatives of various institutions, members of the ULS Board of Directors, authorities and directors of the state university and special guests accompanied the former mayor in this important university ceremony.

One of the authorities present was Mayor Lucía Pinto, who stated that "we are happy and we join this distinction that the University of La Serena gives to Mr. Renán Fuentealba, who has been a protagonist of the history of the XNUMXth century and, of course, of the development of our Region of Coquimbo. As the Government of President Sebastián Piñera, we appreciate this effort and recognize his great political work".

honorary cause 5While the president of the ULS Board of Directors, Miguel Sánchez, indicated that Renán Fuentealba's career linked to the University, the region and the country "deserved the recognition of a state university like ours", recalling that he was who during the Government of Jorge Alessandri managed the transfer of the building of the current Central House of the state campus to the headquarters of the U. de Chile in La Serena.

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