ULS hosted the II REDEG Norte Conversation for gender equity, diversity and inclusion

gender equity

The meeting was broadcast by reuna.cl to bring the conversation to other relevant actors who wanted to be informed and participate.

As part of the activities promoted by the Disability Support Program of the University of La Serena, the II REDEG Norte Conversation for Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion was recently held, organized by the Network for Gender Equity, in collaboration with the ULS (Human Resources Department) and OTIC Proforma, presenting a space to learn about and discuss the methodologies and organizational practices that allow mainstreaming gender equity, diversity and inclusion.

gender equity2This activity was attended by representatives of various public and private institutions at the regional level, in order to delve into how we are capable of promoting the construction of a better society, through greater respect for people, with greater knowledge and understanding in relation to the phenomena associated with gender equity, labor inclusion and inclusion in education.

In this regard, the Director of Human Resources of the University of La Serena, Dr. Héctor Bugueño, commented: “we have also met in order to seek answers on how we are generating a greater amount of resources to produce sustainable change over time. , in the sense of learning that we are one, we are all people and indeed we must also see how we are capable of reducing these inequality gaps in the most different tasks and in the most different dimensions that we have today, and that there is a ethical issue to assume to produce a change and, in this way, the construction of a friendlier, fairer and more ethical society.”

This meeting was broadcast by reuna.cl to bring the conversation to other relevant actors who wanted to be informed and participate in this great opportunity to delve into the methodologies and organizational practices that allow mainstreaming gender equity, diversity and inclusion, in favor of the economy. local, and with this, also, contribute to the development of the country.

Source: DIVEULS press