Workshop guides researchers on main tools to publish scientific articles

scientific articles workshop

The activity was organized by the Research and Development Directorate together with the Integrated Management of Pedagogies Unit (UGIP) -PMI FIP ULS1501- within the framework of the policy to encourage the publication of scientific articles.

The workshop titled “Scientific Writing and Publication in Indexed Journals: Key Tools for Success” was held with the purpose of promoting scientific publication at the University of La Serena in the area of ​​education. The event was directed by expert Ian Scott Kinney, scientific editor and creator of the Journal Revisions support space for researchers.

“It is not enough to write a good paper, because writing is a small percentage and is not the key to success, but rather how I can publish it by recognizing that this is a cyclical process (…). The idea is to be able to leave the participants with installed capabilities so they can be successful again with their publications,” said the expert.

On occasion, he explained that the elements that make up the “virtuous cycle” are related to the visibility of the article, the citations, the impact and the relevance that it obtains.

“The citation patterns show me the impact that the information produced at the moment is having. In simple terms, this means that receiving numerous citations of information that is invisible does not give me even a fraction of the size, unlike if I am cited by large sources of information. Secondly, it is important to recognize coherence, if I want to be cited by the greats, I must also cite sources that have visibility in the medium and thus mine will be much greater. Receiving a citation from a good journal means that, in the search results, my article has as much visibility as that journal,” said Ian.

workshop scientific articles2He also emphasized that, in the analysis they carry out on the works to obtain greater possibilities of publication, they take into account the title, the keywords and the combination that these have in the article.

“The title is the set of keywords of the article, these will be the guide for how I design my text (…). Keywords with greater or lesser appearances in search engines will help us predict the possible impact of what I want to write, and if we can identify those trends or moments of emergencies, we will be able to better focus the lines of research to publish. This way we will avoid writing about topics that are already saturated,” said the speaker.

Academics from ULS pedagogy courses who are starting out in this field and who are interested in publishing their research work in scientific publications participated in the activity. For this reason, the professional announced that the University of La Serena, through the Research and Development Directorate, currently has an agreement with Journal Revisions, which allows advising the institution's researchers on the publication of their scientific articles. .

“We have consultancy quotas as part of this alliance, therefore, you can send us your work and we will review it at no cost. We identify weak points, do impact analysis and see feasibility of publication in scientific journals; Corrections are sent and then work is done on the final product,” the expert explained.

workshop scientific articles3Finally, the professional presented some suggestions to consider when writing a research paper, among which are starting with global relevance, reducing everything to a group of keywords, choosing the sample size and methodology according to the current literature, demonstrate a concise, orderly and relevant theoretical base, clearly state what contribution the study seeks to make, make small innovations within the niche, identify which is the best journal to publish, among others.

It should be remembered that the workshop is part of the actions focused on the Institutional Improvement Plan for Pedagogies, which through the “Applied Pedagogical Research” subunit, seeks to enhance and increase scientific production in the area of ​​education. within the academic body of the institution.

Source: Unit for the Integrated Management of Pedagogies (UGIP) | PMI FIP ULS1501 – CM ULS 1755