Students from the region will take the first test of the 2018 Chemistry Olympics


This test is aimed at secondary school students of the second, third and fourth levels.

This Saturday, September 08, the activities of the 2018 Chemistry Olympics will begin, with the first regional test to be held from 10:00 a.m. in Room 109 “Claudio Gebauer” of the Department of Chemistry and wings 212 and 213 provided by the Directorate of the School of Journalism of the University of La Serena (Andrés Bello Campus).

This test is aimed at secondary school students of the second, third and fourth levels, participating in private, subsidized private and municipal schools in the Coquimbo Region.

From the Province of Choapa, students from schools in Illapel, Salamanca and Los Vilos participate, who will take the test at the Domingo Ortiz de Rozas High School in Illapel.

While the students from the establishments in Ovalle, Limarí Province, will do so in the premises of the Limarí Campus of the ULS (Room 4 of the Department of Agronomy).

Meanwhile, students from the schools of Coquimbo, La Serena and Andacollo (Province of Elqui) will take this first test in the designated rooms of the Andrés Bello Campus (Avenida Raúl Bitrán 1305, La Serena).

The second test will be held on Saturday, October 20 at the Department of Chemistry of the U. de La Serena (Andrés Bello Campus), and the 20 best students in each category will participate.