Rector distinguishes academics with 20 and 30 years of service at the University of La Serena

academic distinction

The ceremony was attended by authorities, academics, officials and relatives of the winners.

In a solemn ceremony, the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, presented the “Distinction for Academic Seniority of the University of La Serena”, established in 2016 for academics of the University who are celebrating 20 and 30 years of service. teaching activity.

academic distinction2This activity was organized within the framework of the XXXVII institutional anniversary, as a way to recognize the dedication and professionalism of academics in the performance of their work.

“This distinction is an achievement of the community, which represents a desire of many academics who raised the need to recognize the contribution and valuable contribution they have made to the University for years. Through this ceremony, an entire life dedicated to the training of various generations of professionals of excellence is recognized, with effort, passion and, above all, a lot of talent, which distinguishes each one of you," said the Rector of the ULS, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés.

The authority added that “each of the academics of this university - together with officials, students and graduates - are the ones who build this University day by day. And without a doubt, the great work that they have carried out in these years on our state campus has been fundamental to achieving a series of advances and significant achievements at the institutional level,” he pointed out.

academic distinction3The academics with 20 years of work at the institution were Alejandrina Reyna Dieppa (Department of Music), Pamela Morales Delgado (Department of Nursing), Sergio Vergara Alarcón (Department of Arts and Letters), Héctor Reyes Serrano (Faculty of Sciences) and Marco Gutiérrez Cocq (School of Design).

While the distinguished academics with 30 years of service at the university were Jimena Cuccurella Asenjo (Department of Mines) and María Lourdes Campos Carreño (Department of Psychology).