Use of ICT and evaluation for learning were the main topics addressed in the ULS refresher courses

pedagogical day

The courses were carried out within the framework of the activities programmed by the Integrated Pedagogy Management Unit (UGIP) and the Teaching Improvement Unit (UMD), in accordance with the provisions of the PMI FIP ULS1501 and the Implementation Plan.

Various work sessions were held in the month of January with the purpose of updating and strengthening the skills of academics and professors who teach classes in ULS pedagogy courses. In this way, the topics addressed were related to the use of ICT and the challenges demanded by curricular redesign.

pedagogical day2One of the courses was related to the use of ICT and was directed by Dr. Hugo Tapia, who addressed topics on the effective use of Internet search engines, basic aspects of the Google Drive platform and, finally, on advanced document editing in word processors. Likewise, he developed the course on the design and application of probing questions.

On the other hand, Dr. Rodrigo Ruay was in charge of teaching the course on evaluation for learning, which had the purpose of updating knowledge based on a reflection of the teaching practices themselves, referring to the approaches, procedures and design of evaluation instruments consistent with the declared curriculum of each career.

In this case, the participants were able to understand the evaluation as an integrated and coherent process with the University's curricular approach and with their professional work, which requires the use of appropriate evaluation procedures and instruments for decision making.

Attendees worked in group workshops where they had to analyze an evaluation activity, plan it, and design an instrument based on the learning outcome.

pedagogical day3Finally, the UMD team led by Dr. Pamela Labra, together with professors Angeline Lotito and Gerardo Galleguillos, carried out the learning outcomes formulation course, in which attendees performed various exercises with the purpose of working on their own subjects and review the aspects that contributed to each of the standards
of their respective careers.

"What we were interested in achieving was to be able to contextualize the work of the workshop in the broader logic of the process of curricular renewal of pedagogies (...), therefore the work focused on the graduation profile and learning results, the para what to work on and after what,” specified Dr. Labra.

For the professor of the Department of Psychology, Cristian Rojas, who teaches classes in Pedagogy in Basic General Education, “the courses helped me in several aspects, some related to technological and computer elements that will allow me to save a large amount of time in preparing articles and works. Furthermore, this can help me transmit it to my own students,” he noted.

It is worth remembering that on January 22 and 23 the “Case Study” workshop will be held at UMD 1.

Source: PMI FIP ULS1501 Press