seventeenth edition dos puntas uls magazine

The publication's premise is to collect the diversity of regional thought, referring to ways of life, social and cultural behaviors, proposals and advances in development policies between the Coquimbo Region and the Province of San Juan, Argentina.

The seventeenth edition of the "Two Points" Magazine, a project that seeks to further strengthen the integration between the Coquimbo Region and the Province of San Juan, Argentina, through research and dissemination, was presented at a ceremony that was attended by the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, the Dean of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Dr. Luperfina Rojas, Lic. Jorge Arredondo, Director of this magazine, authorities, academics and special guests.

seventeenth edition dos puntas uls magazine 2The activity, which was carried out in the context of the thirty-eighth anniversary of the ULS, made it possible to learn about the research advances that collaborative work between students and academics of the University has sustained. Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of San Juan and the Faculty of Social and Business Sciences of the U. de La Serena.

The Dean of FACSE, Dr. Luperfina Rojas, pointed out that this publication "allows us to strengthen human relations and binational integration, treasure a shared history, a fascinating geography that unites us through the Andes mountain range and make our ties visible social, commercial and cultural. In addition, she emphasized the presence of the journal by being indexed in Latindex and Dialnet, two of the most relevant catalogs in the Hispanic scientific community.

Likewise, Lic. Jorge Arredondo referred to the different actions that have been developed in favor of the dissemination of publications and the encouragement that it represents for researchers to make their work known through this medium. He also mentioned the recognition received from the Chamber of Deputies of the Argentine Nation, who declared the magazine to be of cultural interest, which is related to its incorporation into the National Library Doctor Mariano Moreno of the Argentine Republic and the presence in the Buenos Aires International Book Fair.

seventeenth edition dos puntas uls magazine 3This new edition has the publication of the article "Emotional Community: Political Persecution and Financial Support Strategies between San Martín and O'Higgins", written by students of the Pedagogy in History and Geography career of the U. de La Serena, Leyla Simón and Leonel Salinas, together with the students of the Faculty in History career of the National University of San Juan, Florencia Díaz and Jorge Reyes, guided by Dr. Alex Ovalle, from the Department of Social Sciences of the ULS and Dr. Ana Teresa Fanchin, from the National University of San Juan.

The seventeenth edition has the participation of academics from the Department of Economic and Business Sciences of FACSE, Mg. Carlos Varas, Mag. Sebastián Araya and the former academic of the unit, Mg. Marcela Poblete, who wrote the article "Ethics and entrepreneurship, a reflection on the values ​​of the XNUMXst century entrepreneur."

These new volumes of the journal allow us to further accentuate the commitment, linkage and academic integration of Argentina and Chile, who from multidisciplinary perspectives have allowed the generation of pertinent actions in favor of dialogue and dissemination of the social and humanistic sciences.

Written by Paula Godoy, Rectory Press

doctoral offer talk in chile uls

The professional pointed out that the success of regional programs is those that are precisely linked to the needs of their environment and have been able to attract scientists and academics.

An interesting talk was given at University of La Serena the Head of the Department of Analysis and Studies of the National Accreditation Commission (CNA), Dr. Pablo Baeza, with the purpose of providing information about the importance of doctorates in the country and what it means for the institution to be clear about the objectives proposed in these programs.

The exhibition called “Doctoral Offer in Chile, notes to interpret its diversity”, was carried out within the framework of the annual account of the Vice-Rector's Office for Research and Postgraduate Studies, by Dr. Eduardo Notte, who defined the achievements achieved and the challenges for this year.

Dr. Baeza praised the way in which University of La Serena has been proposing its increase in the Doctorate and Master's programs, achieving the proposed goals through its objectives and linking with the actors that allow this development, emphasizing that "the success of the regional programs is those that are precisely linked to the regional needs and who have been able to attract scientists and academics.”

Regarding the purpose of this presentation, the Director of Postgraduate and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Cristian Ibáñez, explained that “this invitation to Dr. Baeza arises from a publication that he made in relation to the typology of doctorates in Chile, and the analysis that It helps us to realize what area we are in. We realize that the CNA is investigating and that makes us anticipate the application that they may make in the future.”

While Dr. Eduardo Notte maintained that these instances allow us to "get ahead and prepare for the self-evaluation and accreditation processes," along with emphasizing that although "the increase in enrollment in the different programs has been increasing significantly compared to other years "We want to continue on this rise to go hand in hand with the approaches of our institutional plan."

On the other hand, during the delivery of the public account, the Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies highlighted that the goals for 2019 are the integration of the area of ​​dissemination and dissemination of Science and Technology, an integrated Phoenix technological platform for DIDULS, the accreditation and re-accreditation of Doctorate programs, advance the accreditation of Master's programs, and promote the creation of continuity programs for pedagogies.

The activity was part of the commemoration of the thirty-eighth anniversary of the ULS.

Written by Patricia Castro, DEIP




The APPRENDE ULS Program will benefit more than a thousand students of the institution.
Establishing and expanding strategies for leveling, accompaniment and monitoring of students who benefit from free first and second year admission to the University of La Serena, contributing to improving academic success and retention, is the main objective of the Education Support Program. Permanence, Performance, Leveling and Comprehensive Development of the Student (APRENDE ULS), which was launched within the framework of the 38th anniversary of the house of higher education.

learns 2The Rector, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, stated that “the spirit of this program reflects what we seek as a University, that our students enter higher education and find a place where they feel accompanied, safe and can fulfill their goal of finishing their degrees, since behind every student who drops out, there is a dream of being a professional that is postponed. This program will be an articulating system for all the actions that are carried out on campus and whose objective is this mission, the reduction of the dropout rate of first and second year students.”

Let us remember that the implementation of remedial programs for first-year students has allowed an important achievement of quality at the University, such as the improvement of 5 percentage points in terms of student retention in the first year, between 2011 and 2017 (81 to 86%).

learns 3Along these same lines, the Academic Vice-Rector, Dr. Jorge Catalán, pointed out that “this is a project awarded by our institution in the Ministry of Education, which has two axes: the first, the conception and the conviction that the student It is the center of learning; and the second, the comprehensive training of all students who come to our University, in order to train competent and autonomous professionals.”

The Executive Director of the APRENDE PACE ULS Program, Mg Viviana Romero, meanwhile, expressed that this initiative “has to do with an effort that our institution has made, to obtain a program that can articulate the accompaniment and support to our students and their dreams. to finish his professional career.” In addition, she explained that “the support of the program has an academic area based on tutoring by students and support from mentors, academics from our University, as well as psychoeducational support.”

Written by Daniel Aguayo, PACE ULS Program



reading room campus andres bello uls

This new and comfortable space is at the service of student self-learning.

Starting this week, students at the University of La Serena have a modern and welcoming space. This is the Reading Room of the Andrés Bello Campus, intended for young people to study and talk with their peers.

reading room campus andres bello uls 2“This space has the necessary conditions so that young people can study and talk in a welcoming environment, and so that they can fully develop their student life,” said the Rector, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés, who also highlighted that the facility will benefit thousands of students. and future students of the state campus.

Regarding this long-awaited work, which had an investment of close to 204 million pesos, the Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Alejandra Torrejón, stated that “it will ensure an adequate quality standard for the fulfillment of institutional functions, in particular of undergraduate teaching, based on the provision of resources and services necessary for the student community of the Andrés Bello Campus.”

reading room campus andres bello uls 3The new Reading Room is at the service of student self-learning and has modern furniture and equipment, supporting texts, a design inspired by the thought and work of Gabriela Mistral, and a point of attention. In addition, it complies with universal accessibility regulations.

The inauguration of the facility, which was part of the 38th anniversary of the ULS, was attended by authorities, directors, academics, officials and students, who were able to tour its facilities.

Written with Gonzalo Lozano, Department of Communications

talk sergio bravo uls

Professor Sergio Bravo gave a master class within the framework of the thirty-eighth institutional anniversary, in the presence of authorities, academics, officials and students.

During 2018, two important reforms were launched that involve profound changes in the institutional processes of national universities, mainly related to the state and public sector. The topic was analyzed in a master class given by the former Rector of the University of La Frontera, Professor Sergio Bravo, who referred to the threats and opportunities that these new regulations facing higher education entail.

talk sergio bravo uls 2In his speech, the former university authority emphasized the necessary updating of the way in which institutional work is carried out, considering the new political, economic and technological scenario. “Promoting social and technological progress and, simultaneously, avoiding the possibility of renewal, can no longer be perpetuated. It is evident the transformations that the universities themselves have induced, and that they are exerting powerful pressure that has forced these institutions to reexamine their conception, operation and viability (…) The current levels of uncertainty prevent us from doing what we did 50 years ago”, express.

In this way, he urged to look critically at the internal processes that each institution entails, taking into consideration the abyss that the changes in the technological and economic area have reached in the world of education. “These conditions have put enormous pressure on universities and their training programs, since our institutions are obliged to take on the task of thinking about the requirements of a 25-year-old young man, whose professional life will be projected until at least the year 2060. This means thinking today about the knowledge, skills and abilities that will contribute to its success and validity for the next four decades,” he said.

talk sergio bravo uls 3On the other hand, added to these changes are the transformations that the way of teaching and learning has undergone in the hands of technological advances, which have influenced the information consumption habits of students and teachers. “Experts insist on considering digital technologies as the most powerful tools in an effort to provide quality university education. Not only because of the possibilities it offers, but because they constitute the educational habitat of the XNUMXst century. And I wonder if we are designing policies in this sense? ”He analyzed.

In this context, the professor explained that universities on an international scale have taken on these challenges by reducing the contents and generating short degrees, paying attention to innovation and continuous updating programs, linked to the research projects developed by the respective institution.

Regarding the obligations that pertain to the accreditation processes, he highlighted that the new laws seek to achieve uniformity in all the processes that affect higher education institutions. “We must understand the background that underlies these regulations and what the legislator expects with respect to higher education in Chile, which is ultimately to organize the system, and that every institution presents within itself a certain homogeneity of quality in its take action in all areas,” said Professor Bravo.

talk sergio bravo uls 4Finally, he referred to the importance of carrying out these processes in a shared manner and supported by his institutional peers. “Today we are facing a new challenge, which is to take the stage of the new laws already mentioned and that can be a threat to the future if they are not taken with the due responsibility of the entire university community. The ULS can and should do so with the greatest optimism, since it has everything to be a great university, due to its heritage, history, tradition, its riches and privileged natural environments. The development processes of institutions like ours cannot be done alone and I hope that the UFRO and the University of La Serena join forces with a long-range collaboration agreement in all areas, in which each institution can learn from the another”, concluded the expert.  

Written by Daniela Ledezma, UGIP - PMI FIP ULS1501 | CM ULS1755



eclipse uls recommendations

Researcher Guillermo Damke shared details to be able to responsibly and safely enjoy the great event that will take place on July 2.

A series of recommendations to observe the total solar eclipse 2019 in our Coquimbo Region, the astronomer and researcher of the University of La Serena, Dr. Guillermo Damke.

During a talk offered in the context of the 38th institutional anniversary and attended by authorities and directors, as well as schoolchildren from the Gerónimo Rendic School and students from different levels of the Bachelor's degree in Astronomy, the researcher shared some details of security and relevance for see this astronomical event, rated as the most important in the world in 2019.

“Looking at an eclipse directly at the sun can cause permanent blindness, due to the functioning of the eyes. For the same reason, certain recommendations must be taken into account and, in this case, use special lenses to be able to see the luminosity of an eclipse. We as experts must make these recommendations and tell the audience that they should take care of themselves,” said the professional, who emphasized not using sunglasses or binoculars to observe this phenomenon that has caused great interest locally and internationally.

Another point that the astronomer addressed is that, in his perception, choosing a specific place to see the eclipse is important, because although it can be seen from different places, the perception time is very short. For him, “the Almirante Latorre sector is a good place (…) you just have to think about the pros and cons of that sector,” adding that the total phase will take place at 16:38 p.m.

To find out more about the event you can go to