ugip1 researcher

The presentation was part of the VII INACAP Educational Congress organized by the Center for Innovation in Education CIEDU and the School of Humanities and Education of said institution.

“Construction of an innovative culture for the inclusion of technical-professional higher education” was the thematic axis of the congress led by the INACAP institution, in which researchers linked to education participate annually. On this occasion, the event provided space for the presentation of works related to innovations that can be used in the classroom.

ugip2 researcherIn this context, the researcher from the Integrated Management of Pedagogies Unit (UGIP) of the University of La Serena, Dr. Laura Espinoza, presented the presentation titled "Inverted class for the initial training of special education educators on mathematical learning", in which revealed a successful didactic experience focused particularly on the training of special education educators.

“It is of utmost importance that teaching is carried out appropriately, implementing defined and intentional innovations, which allow the learning of professionals in training in higher education institutions to be enhanced. Therefore, the systematization of these experiences gives clear lights to be able to replicate them in other higher education contexts, allowing the real scope of the learning proposed in the study programs to be monitored, and which are part of the progressive achievement of the students' graduation profile. ”, he expressed.

Furthermore, the space gave the opportunity to learn about research and innovative pedagogical experiences in areas such as mechanics, health, robotics, engineering, languages, social sciences and humanities, managing to exchange procedures and tools that have worked effectively in the classroom and that have achieved the scope of learning by the students.

In this way, participation in these instances enabled the academic community to nourish the knowledge and actions carried out by higher education institutions to improve teaching practices.

“In the PMI FIP ULS 1501 we are carrying out the Support Plan for the Implementation of the renewed curriculum in the pedagogies of the ULS, a process that has its complexity, is recursive and that should be reflected within the classrooms in the initial training of teachers . Furthermore, and to contribute to the ongoing training of academics who teach in pedagogy careers, last year we carried out the Diploma in Didactic Innovation in Initial Teacher Training, where different models and methodologies were worked on to enhance active learning of students at FIP. Likewise, we carry out workshops and courses, which are always available for academics in this line. All these processes must be reflected within the classroom and in the various learning environments, since they are the places where our teachers in training make the journey to become professionals that are required in today's XNUMXst century society," the researcher emphasized.

Written by Daniela Ledezma, UGIP

encounter inclusion

With the participation of academics, professionals and students from different institutions, the meeting “Policies, Practices and Inclusive Culture in Higher Education” was held, organized by the National Network of Inclusive Higher Education.

The ULS 1799 Project team of “Comprehensive Support for Students of the University of La Serena, within a framework of Inclusion and Universal Accessibility” participated in the Second National Meeting 2019 “Policies, Practices and Inclusive Culture in Higher Education”, which included the participation of prominent speakers, who emphasized the inclusion and diversity policy that they are developing in the country's higher education institutions.

During the activity, various panels were developed, which covered topics focused on the inclusion of people with different types of disabilities in higher education spaces, and in which members of the inclusion program of the University of La Serena participated.

Along with the discussion panels, the academic from the Universidad de la Frontera, Mg. Arlett Krause gave the conference “Challenges of the inclusion of ASD students in Higher Education”.

The meeting was organized by the National Network of Inclusive Higher Education and on this occasion it took place at the Universidad Católica del Norte.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom

health training3

In total, 80 professionals were trained in cardiovascular rehabilitation in primary health care, thanks to the work agreement maintained by both institutions.

Through lecture classes and training workshops in cardiovascular rehabilitation, led by 3 professionals with high specialization in the area, the University of La Serena conducted training for 80 officials (including nurses, doctors and kinesiologists) from the Coquimbo Health Department. , during the week of August 5 to 9, at the Coquimbo Campus of the university.

The activity was developed through the collaboration agreement between the University of La Serena and the Coquimbo Health Department, through which health activities have been generated that aim to enhance the development of both institutions with a view to development and support. to the community of the region.

In this way, the university repays the Department of Health for its commitment to providing places for professional internships to students of the institution's health careers, thus fulfilling its role as a state university and responding to commitments with the community.      

This training was carried out thanks to the coordination carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, through its Coordinator of Teaching Assistance Relations, together with the Directorate of the Kinesiology program and the Directorate of the School and Department of Nursing.

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom

pace1 project

More than twenty students participated in this Participatory Project of the program.

The PACE ULS Program, through its line of work of Participatory Projects of the Preparation Component in Secondary Education (PEM), carried out a pedagogical and cultural visit to the Valparaíso Region, which benefited the fourth-grade students of the Pedro Aguirre Cerda School in La Serena.pace2 project

Participatory Projects are instances in which the educational communities themselves identify a need or create a project that directly benefits their students. Nicolás Guerrero, in charge of PACE ULS Participatory Projects, explained that “the focus of this Participatory Project was to develop vocational expectations and strengthen transversal skills of the fourth-year students of the Pedro Aguirre Cerda School, through the development of a pedagogical/cultural outlet to the city of Valparaíso, to provide relevant information regarding post-secondary life.”

About this visit, Manelyk Cabezas, a student at the Pedro Aguirre Cerda School, indicated that “it has been an excellent pedagogical outing, many times we as students see this as a walk, but then we realize the importance for us of being able to see other realities, the Getting to know other realities, other cities, we are curious to get to know other universities, having contact with students who come from realities similar to ours or completely different, sharing everything with each other is great.”pace3 project

On the other hand, Gustavo Araya, head teacher of the fourth year of the School, expressed that these instances are crucial for students to learn about other realities. “The vast majority of our students come from families of low socioeconomic status, from environments of high social risk and constant threat to the comprehensive development of boys and girls. Approximately 26% of parents work in the city center and 48% work as construction workers. This greatly hinders the development of our students regarding access to more information, the creation of significant capacities for their training, as well as the low creation of expectations regarding the development of vocational guidance and post-secondary life project," the teacher emphasized. .

Written by Daniel Aguayo, PACE ULS Program

writing course1

Due to the great reception of this course from the Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies, aimed at academics who are beginning to prepare academic publications, it is estimated to generate new training instances for the publication of texts focused on teaching.

An important instance for the development of teaching and research at the University. This was how the participants classified the first academic writing course organized by the Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies, which held its closing day, once the 4 days of work had ended.

writing course2Remember that this course was aimed at academics who are beginning to prepare academic publications, with a topic focused on teaching in higher education.

“Research in teaching is a topic that as a University we seek to strengthen through different instances. An example of this is the completion of this course, which was very well received by our academics, exceeding our expectations,” indicated the Vice-Rector for Research and Postgraduate Studies, Dr. Eduardo Notte, regarding the closing of this first course.

This course, which initially had a capacity of 20 people, was highly demanded, finally opening to 32 academics.

The course presenter, academic and researcher at the ULS Multidisciplinary Research Institute of Science and Technology, Dr. Haylen Perines, referred to the great interest and commitment that was experienced during the implementation of this initiative. “The high interest is striking, there was a significant number of academics who participated in this course, they worked hard and focused on doing well what they saw each day,” she said.

The academic from the Department of Education and course participant, Yanett Leiva, mentioned that this “has been a great contribution, a learning space in every sense, it is a great opportunity because the University gives us the tools, it demonstrates the commitment that the University has. institution and, in the particular case of the Vice-Rector for Research, to strengthen this area among teachers.”

Written by Tomás Rodríguez, DirCom

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As part of a protocol visit, the Rector of the University of La Serena, Dr. Nibaldo Avilés Pizarro and the Vice-Rector for Economic and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Armando Mansilla Sunkel, received the new Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Latin American Studies (CIEL) of the campus, an instance that allowed them to know their goals and objectives for the current semester.

The Interdisciplinary Center for Latin American Studies is responsible for generating programs in the areas of research, teaching and links with the environment and extension, which seek to make it a relevant cultural reference within the regional, national and international context.

The protocol visit allowed the Director of the Department of Education of the Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Jaime Montes Miranda, to present the new Director of CIEL, José Olivares Mena, to the Rector of the ULS, who held a meeting in which the main academic and curricular references of the new Director, in addition to announcing the upcoming activities and established objectives of the Center.

The new management of CIEL seeks to continue with ongoing projects while promoting others, in links with the cultural and social environment of the region. "We hope to link the Center with other Latin American study centers, both Chilean and foreign, in addition to resuming the 'Marta Vitar Miranda' Chair of Education and the 'Rodolfo Kusch' International Chair of Intercultural Education, the latter created under an agreement with Mexico. “said José Olivares.

It is under this context that the importance of the next International Seminar “Education and Technologies: Building the school of the future” was also discussed, to be held at the University in the month of September. “This is an event that seems very important to us, an international seminar with academics from Mexico and Spain, who will show us how education and technologies can find new spaces for interdisciplinary dialogue while allowing us to develop creativity that promotes new styles.” of learning in our students,” stated Dr. Jaime Montes.

The Seminar will be held on September 5 and 6 at the Support Center for Teaching in the Humanities (CADH) of the Isabel Bongard Campus, and will feature six presentations, four of which will be given by academics from the Department of Education, more two foreign guests, all of them focused on technological and didactic topics, in dialogue with education.